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NYC Friends and Family  - come one come all!  We're teaming up with Lululemon Athletica THIS SUNDAY and hosting a pop-up shop at their Men's Store in Soho.  Both teams firmly believe in taking time to restore the body and soul, so we’ll be setting up a meditation station to encourage us all to stop, refuel, and reconnect. We're there all day from 11-7 at 127 Prince Street so come by, bring some friends, and hang out!  It'll be a great time.  

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY.Sponsor: Axel Audio Inc.  Port Washington,  NY 11050.Open only to legal residents of the U.S., 18 or over, who received a Contest invitation via email from Sponsor in conjunction with their recent and/or Kickstarter purchase of an Axel Audio product. Opportunity to enter the Contest is personal to the original recipient of the Contest email invitation and any attempted transfer is void and will not result in Contest entry.Employees of Sponsor, its agencies (including Power Reviews) or any entity involved in the development, production or administration of the...

Each and every single one of you was integral in making this campaign a success and in bringing our project to life! Knowing that we had an army of 687 people rooting for us to cross the finish line was so encouraging, pushing us to press onward in moments of doubt and exhaustion.

We spent two years laying down the foundations for the launch of Axel. Still, during this past month, we've learned more about ourselves, our project, and our potential than we could have ever imagined. Raising over 200K in one month for a team of 5 is no small feat, and we could not have done it without your kind words and generosity.

Now that this first chapter of our story has come to a close, we’re excited to plan for the coming weeks and months; we’ll be making improvements, developing new ideas, and finding better ways to serve you -- our first users.

Again, thank you so much for sticking with us throughout this campaign. As we build this company, we’ll always remember how important you -- our first supporters -- have been. Without you, none of this would have been possible. We're incredibly excited to bring our Soundscapes to you later this summer. In the mean time, feel free to drop a line at or across our social media channels if you have any comments or suggestions! We’d love to hear from you.

Yours truly, 

The Team at Axel Audio.

NEW YORK FRIENDS - Tonight, we're teaming up with artist Bisco Smith to present to you '12' - a collection of the first dozen of Smith's artworks that combine art, sound, and connectivity by way of Soundwall's innovative canvas and Axel Audio's Soundscapes. Come experience art come to life! We have a few spots left, please RSVP to attend:

Just two weeks since our launch, we’ve surpassed the 110K benchmark and could not have come this far without you. We are truly grateful for your support and excitement throughout this campaign.

As one of our first backers, you have been instrumental in helping us build Axel from the ground up. To show our appreciation, we want to give each and every one of you who has pledged for a product a 15% discount voucher for any future purchase, whether it’s towards an extra Soundscape, a different colored headband insert, or even a full Axel headphone set. This voucher is valid for an entire year after our Kickstarter campaign is successfully funded....

We’re happy to announce that Axel Audio is an official sound partner for the upcoming Frieze Art Fair event: Millie Brown: “Blinded by the Light,” presented by the Marina Abramovic Institute, Tumblr and Freide + Co! 

Please join us this weekend, May 14-17th 

Center 548 (548 West 22nd St. New York, NY 10011)


We're hosting an exclusive listening party tonight 7-9 PM (5/5) in New York City, and we've reserved a few spots for you awesome folks. Who wants to join us?!  Leave your comment on our facebook page.  Be of the first to ever listen to our headphones before we officially launch in July!